Following the tragic loss of Trayvon Martin at the hands of George Zimmerman, almost everyone who is aware of the case has an opinion, and it is those opinions that have taken this story to a level of volatility that could become explosive. Trayvon's death and the subsequent media swell around this has resulted in emotions on all sides of the war of public opinion being evoked and provoked. At this point, the controversy has taken on a life of its own, and the truth may likely have been lost.  Although charges have been filed against George Zimmerman, the underlying issues...

One of the most respected coaches in football leaves his post in a shroud of shame and a most honored University is left to stare itself deep into its soul and question, “Where is integrity when it counts the most?” Over the past few years we have been facing issues of integrity at every turn, from our governments, to our financial institutions to our sports and even the most respected are being exposed. In the wake of the Penn State scandal, many are in shock, asking themselves, how can an institution that is dedicated to the education and growth, mentoring tomorrows...

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="576" caption="Our last family picture on Ivy & Hunter's last day with us."][/caption] Well the time came this past weekend. Our two dogs, my wife’s and my first “children”, graduated to the dog park in the sky. Ivy (16 year old Blue Merle Australian Shepherd) and Hunter (14 year old Black Chow Shepherd mix) lived long, relatively healthy lives, and in the end we felt that we had to assist them along their journey to allow them to leave with dignity and not wanting them to unduly suffer. Both Ivy and Hunter were adopted after an early life...

For millions of Americans, being out of work one more day is an all to familiar situation. The jobs that people once had have been eliminated, bills are due, part-time jobs aren’t paying well, families need to eat, and unemployment is running out. For those who were the bread-winners, guilt, failure, hopelessness and stress can feel overwhelming. So how do you take care of yourself if you find yourself in this predicament? Don't Let Your Career Define You Too many times we allow our job or lack thereof define our worth and value. When we are out of work, we question who...

A dangerous game of political chicken is being played in our country with the debt ceiling, and it stands the chance of bringing the further downfall of the American Empire. I wouldn’t say that this “crisis” of the debt ceiling would be the major cause of this downfall, it is a symptom of a larger problem. I have often said that arrogance has led to the downfall of almost every empire throughout time, and what I see now when I turn on the news is arrogance and politicians who seem to be out of touch with many Americans. It is...

See Dick turn on the TV. See Jane sit down next to Dick. See Dick and Jane watch commercials. See Dick and Jane want everything they see. See Corporate America with $$ in their eyes, as they market adult items to the way too young. Have you noticed the moving target? Over the past decades, Corporate America has put their crosshairs on younger and younger kids. Advertising dollars are looking to gain lifetime consumers and brand loyalty, soon, out of the crib, by marketing everything from make-up to clothing to electronics and the latest move by Skechers to focus their Shape-Ups...

For as long as animals and humans have ruled over others in their prides, packs, tribes and families, revolution has been a part of the process of change. The way that so many of us have been taught to use and abuse power, as well as the tendency for many animals to define power structures and hierarchies, results in those who have it and those who don’t. It is the belief and the perception that the haves get what they want (often at the expense of the have-nots) that drives the continued struggle for power. As long as the haves...

I am dedicating this blog to a great man, Gorman Fisher, aka Big Daddy. I grew up with a dad who worked a lot. His work was important to him, but it wasn’t until later that I truly realized why. As I kid, I wanted him to play with me, be at my baseball games, soccer games, scouting events, and while he made some of them, his attention to his work seemed to take precedence. I remember that when we did play pool together, he would beat me again and again, and was amazed that I would come back for more....

Nursery Rhymes can be great teachers, and not just for kids. Many are not aware that the origins of many nursery rhymes were based in the monarchies when people did not have free speech and would create parodies of political situations hidden in the subtext. The great fact about many stories and parables is that they can be timeless, and so many of them are still apropos. So what can Humpty Dumpty teach us today? Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Wall How often do kids get in trouble for fibbing, manipulation of the truth or outright lies, and how serious are the...

I think we have all heard of a Mid-Life Crisis; well, I would like to add a wrinkle to this in discussing the Mid-Life Christmas. In my work as a therapist, I have had countless experiences with those in their late 30 to 40 “somethings” who find that the holidays are feeling emptier and emptier, and they are searching for the meaning in the holiday season. As adults, the holiday season is often rushed, and in our world of work and life, coincides with year-end deadlines, quotas to be reached, household issues to be taken care of, and the span between...