
Information & Specialty Areas

For more information on professional experience you may review Dr. Fisher’s vita .

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Georgia
  • Author, Public Speaker, and Media Consultant
  • Office located at 195 W. Pike St. Lawrenceville GA 30046 Best media contact # 770-314-7660
  • Individual, Couples and Family Therapy
  • Experience working with Children, Teens, and Adults

Dr. Fisher has a great deal of experience working with individuals with Attention Deficit Disorders and Learning Disorders, Anxiety and Depression, Grief and Loss, Trauma and Recovery, Dissociative Disorders, and Spiritual Growth Issues . While Dr. Fisher is attentive to diagnostic issues that affect individuals, his focus is on the individual dynamics that result in their personal and interpersonal difficulties. It is his understanding of the interaction of emotions and perceptions of personal power that create and feed so many of our issues whether it is within the self, the family or in an organization. It is this approach that has helped him to address the issues that many other professionals have had difficulties addressing.

He has two published books, The Art of Managing Everyday Conflict: Understanding Emotions and Power Struggles and The Art of Empowered Parenting: The Manual You Wish Your Kids Came With. He is continuing to author additional books related to the relationship between concepts of personal power and the interaction of emotion.

Dr. Fisher has had success helping individuals in management positions work through issues of perfectionism and underlying feelings of never feeling that they are living up to expectations. It almost always these underlying issues that can make the difference between someone rising to the heights of success and those seeming to always come up short. It is crucial for us to have the courage to look deeper and understand what makes us tick. There are many individual and societal factors that contribute to these feelings, and Dr. Fisher is very adept at helping individuals to look at their lives from a different perspective to understand the nature of their underlying issues.

Dr. Fisher seeks to find a strategic combination of interventions to address each individual’s unique issues in their life. Techniques Dr. Fisher employs in his work are Educational Tools and Interaction Analysis, Cognitive-Behavioral techniques, Play Therapy, Visual Imagery, and innovative approaches to Hypnotherapy.

Dr. Fisher is currently a referral source for Dr. Brian Weiss, an internationally known psychiatrist and published author. You may reach Dr. Weiss’ Web Page through this address: http://www.Brianweiss.com/ . Dr. Fisher has acquired extensive experience in the area of spiritual psychology and regression hypnotherapy.

Dr. Fisher’s success with clients in his practice has resulted in clients traveling from around the southeastern United States to seek services. Dr. Fisher is a seasoned media consultant. With numerous interviews for television, radio and print, his resume includes interviews with CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, Coast to Coast AM, Parents Magazine, Psychology Today, Women’s Day, Cosmopolitan, The Atlanta Journal, The Boston Herald, The San Francisco Chronicle, The Hartford Current and others. His work has been featured on CNN and in the The Atlanta Journal.


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